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Successful fundraising is an ongoing process. As you continue to identify new donors, you also need to maintain good relations with current donors and encourage them to repeat and increase their giving. Learn and strengthen the fundraising skills that can sustain your organization including direct mail, online giving, major gifts and special events.

Empowering Generosity: Understanding Philanthropy & Fundraising will introduce a fresh perspective on the significance and purpose of philanthropy, inspired by the conceptual framework created by Robert Payton. Philanthropy and generosity are inherent qualities that unite us, motivating us to join nonprofit organizations and make a difference. Fundraising plays a crucial role in transforming these values into impact by providing the necessary financial support. Strengthen your leadership skills by learning how effective fundraising channels generosity into philanthropic impact.

Discover the keys to successfully planning a fundraising campaign. This course explores capital, endowment, comprehensive, and project-based campaigns. You will navigate the decision-making process, considering the "why" and "why not" factors, and uncover intangible benefits for your organization, beyond finances. Learn how to engage stakeholders effectively, utilizing proven strategies and tools to design, implement, and manage campaigns. You will gain practical skills that you can apply within your nonprofit context.

Fundraising success depends on organization-wide efforts from the leadership of the board to the dedication of front-line staff. This course focuses on the role the board plays in fundraising and how to best structure the organization to support this role. Board members and staff will work collaboratively to develop an action plan to improve the culture of philanthropy in your organization, improve board recruitment and training, and ensure the organization has a solid case for support. We recommend that a staff person and a board member attend together but it’s not a requirement for the course.

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