Professional Doctorate in Philanthropic Leadership

PhilD is the first professional doctorate for philanthropic and nonprofit professionals. Take your career to the highest levels with courses and faculty that combine your professional experience with the most sophisticated curriculum in our sector, addressing the nexus of philanthropy, leadership and applied research inquiry. Applications open September 1.

You can advocate and be around fellow change makers, which I really appreciate.

Kimberly Hestermann, a student in the B.A. in Philanthropic Leadership program, shared how the school’s environment is helping her transform her passion into a career.

Public Policy and Philanthropy Series recording

Romanita Hairston, Chief Executive Officer of the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, joined Diane Kaplan and Dean Amir Pasic to discuss her experiences in nonprofit, for-profit, and philanthropic sectors.

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Next Generation donors’ charitable giving interests and approaches examined in new study

Globa social, economic, and political shifts, globalization, and technological advancements over the last 20 years have reshaped how next-generation donors engage with the philanthropic sector. This report examines younger donors’ motivations, their attitudes toward giving, the causes they support and their preferred methods for making donations and evaluating the impact.

Access the full report

IU Indianapolis is Indiana’s newest R1 university

Indiana University Indianapolis has cemented its status as one of the nation’s premier urban research universities after receiving Research 1 status from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, making it Indy’s only R1 institution. 

Read more about the R1 status

Upcoming events

Apr 02

12:30 p.m.3:30 p.m.

IUI Campus Center - 420 University Blvd Indianapolis, IN 46202


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B.A. in Philanthropic Leadership

Jastyne Jackson-Burnett, B.A. in Philanthropic Leadership graduate, discusses the unique benefits of the program and its applicability to real-world issues.

Description of the video:

Kind: captions
Language: en

00:00:01.590 --> 00:00:04.309 align:start position:0%


00:00:04.309 --> 00:00:04.319 align:start position:0%

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I<00:00:04.879><c> originally</c><00:00:05.879><c> chose</c><00:00:06.720><c> the</c><00:00:06.879><c> lily</c><00:00:07.240><c> family</c>

00:00:07.510 --> 00:00:07.520 align:start position:0%
I originally chose the lily family

00:00:07.520 --> 00:00:09.589 align:start position:0%
I originally chose the lily family
school<00:00:07.839><c> of</c><00:00:08.040><c> philanthropy</c><00:00:08.840><c> because</c><00:00:09.080><c> I</c><00:00:09.200><c> wanted</c>

00:00:09.589 --> 00:00:09.599 align:start position:0%
school of philanthropy because I wanted

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school of philanthropy because I wanted
to<00:00:10.320><c> get</c><00:00:10.480><c> into</c><00:00:10.759><c> a</c><00:00:11.000><c> career</c><00:00:11.880><c> that</c><00:00:12.000><c> helped</c><00:00:12.280><c> me</c><00:00:12.480><c> give</c>

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to get into a career that helped me give

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to get into a career that helped me give
back<00:00:12.880><c> to</c><00:00:13.200><c> society</c><00:00:13.880><c> it</c><00:00:14.000><c> was</c><00:00:14.400><c> pretty</c><00:00:14.639><c> simple</c>

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back to society it was pretty simple

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back to society it was pretty simple
philanthropy<00:00:16.160><c> giving</c><00:00:16.520><c> back</c><00:00:17.199><c> I</c><00:00:17.279><c> was</c><00:00:17.680><c> thinking</c>

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philanthropy giving back I was thinking

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philanthropy giving back I was thinking
this<00:00:18.160><c> is</c><00:00:18.320><c> right</c><00:00:18.480><c> up</c><00:00:18.680><c> my</c><00:00:18.840><c> alley</c><00:00:19.640><c> something</c><00:00:20.400><c> that</c>

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this is right up my alley something that

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this is right up my alley something that
uh<00:00:21.359><c> the</c><00:00:21.480><c> lily</c><00:00:21.840><c> family</c><00:00:22.519><c> school</c><00:00:22.800><c> of</c>

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uh the lily family school of

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uh the lily family school of
philanthropy<00:00:23.680><c> helped</c><00:00:24.080><c> me</c><00:00:24.599><c> understand</c><00:00:24.840><c> about</c>

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philanthropy helped me understand about

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philanthropy helped me understand about
myself<00:00:25.680><c> was</c><00:00:25.840><c> that</c><00:00:26.000><c> I</c><00:00:26.080><c> wanted</c><00:00:26.359><c> to</c><00:00:26.480><c> be</c><00:00:26.599><c> a</c>

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myself was that I wanted to be a

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myself was that I wanted to be a
face-to-face<00:00:28.519><c> um</c><00:00:28.720><c> service</c><00:00:29.160><c> provider</c><00:00:29.720><c> I</c>

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face-to-face um service provider I

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face-to-face um service provider I
didn't<00:00:30.240><c> necessarily</c><00:00:30.679><c> want</c><00:00:30.800><c> to</c><00:00:30.880><c> be</c><00:00:31.000><c> in</c>

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didn't necessarily want to be in

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didn't necessarily want to be in
boardrooms<00:00:31.720><c> talking</c><00:00:32.040><c> about</c><00:00:32.320><c> service</c><00:00:33.239><c> I</c>

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boardrooms talking about service I

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boardrooms talking about service I
wanted<00:00:33.559><c> to</c><00:00:33.680><c> be</c><00:00:33.879><c> there</c><00:00:34.239><c> providing</c><00:00:34.840><c> care</c><00:00:35.559><c> I</c>

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wanted to be there providing care I

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wanted to be there providing care I
jumped<00:00:35.960><c> into</c><00:00:36.120><c> the</c><00:00:36.200><c> criminal</c><00:00:36.559><c> justice</c><00:00:36.960><c> system</c>

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jumped into the criminal justice system

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jumped into the criminal justice system
I<00:00:37.480><c> knew</c><00:00:37.719><c> that</c><00:00:37.800><c> was</c><00:00:38.040><c> going</c><00:00:38.200><c> to</c><00:00:38.360><c> be</c><00:00:39.000><c> people</c><00:00:39.239><c> who</c>

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I knew that was going to be people who

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I knew that was going to be people who
needed<00:00:39.760><c> help</c><00:00:40.320><c> and</c><00:00:40.559><c> people</c><00:00:40.800><c> who</c><00:00:40.920><c> I</c><00:00:41.039><c> could</c><00:00:41.200><c> get</c>

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needed help and people who I could get

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needed help and people who I could get
in<00:00:41.440><c> front</c><00:00:41.680><c> of</c><00:00:42.559><c> so</c><00:00:43.039><c> I</c><00:00:43.440><c> decided</c><00:00:43.879><c> law</c><00:00:44.120><c> school</c><00:00:44.360><c> is</c>

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in front of so I decided law school is

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in front of so I decided law school is
where<00:00:44.600><c> I</c><00:00:44.680><c> needed</c><00:00:44.960><c> to</c><00:00:45.079><c> be</c><00:00:45.719><c> um</c><00:00:46.199><c> jumped</c><00:00:46.559><c> into</c><00:00:46.800><c> it</c>

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where I needed to be um jumped into it

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where I needed to be um jumped into it
my<00:00:47.840><c> experience</c><00:00:48.239><c> with</c><00:00:48.360><c> the</c><00:00:48.480><c> lily</c><00:00:48.800><c> family</c>

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my experience with the lily family

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my experience with the lily family
school<00:00:49.399><c> had</c><00:00:49.559><c> already</c><00:00:49.800><c> taught</c><00:00:50.000><c> me</c><00:00:50.160><c> what</c><00:00:50.280><c> school</c>

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school had already taught me what school

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school had already taught me what school
is<00:00:50.640><c> all</c><00:00:50.840><c> about</c><00:00:51.199><c> how</c><00:00:51.280><c> to</c><00:00:51.559><c> think</c><00:00:51.840><c> openly</c><00:00:52.359><c> liberal</c>

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is all about how to think openly liberal

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is all about how to think openly liberal
arts<00:00:52.960><c> in</c><00:00:53.120><c> general</c><00:00:53.440><c> helps</c><00:00:53.680><c> you</c><00:00:53.800><c> open</c><00:00:54.079><c> your</c><00:00:54.239><c> mind</c>

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arts in general helps you open your mind

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arts in general helps you open your mind
to<00:00:55.359><c> different</c><00:00:55.640><c> ways</c><00:00:55.840><c> of</c><00:00:55.960><c> learning</c><00:00:56.359><c> and</c><00:00:56.480><c> that</c>

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to different ways of learning and that

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to different ways of learning and that
was<00:00:56.800><c> absolutely</c><00:00:57.320><c> necessary</c><00:00:57.800><c> jumping</c><00:00:58.120><c> into</c>

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was absolutely necessary jumping into

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was absolutely necessary jumping into
law<00:00:58.559><c> school</c><00:00:59.120><c> the</c><00:00:59.280><c> the</c><00:00:59.359><c> philanthropic</c>

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law school the the philanthropic

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law school the the philanthropic
leadership<00:01:00.480><c> program</c><00:01:01.000><c> just</c><00:01:01.760><c> having</c><00:01:02.199><c> that</c>

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leadership program just having that

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leadership program just having that
degree<00:01:02.960><c> associated</c><00:01:03.559><c> with</c><00:01:03.680><c> your</c><00:01:03.879><c> name</c><00:01:04.439><c> it</c>

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degree associated with your name it

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degree associated with your name it
already<00:01:05.000><c> carries</c><00:01:05.479><c> a</c><00:01:05.600><c> lot</c><00:01:05.720><c> of</c><00:01:05.880><c> weight</c><00:01:06.439><c> and</c><00:01:06.560><c> once</c>

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already carries a lot of weight and once

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already carries a lot of weight and once
these<00:01:07.000><c> nonprofit</c><00:01:07.520><c> leaders</c><00:01:07.960><c> hear</c><00:01:08.159><c> you</c><00:01:08.400><c> talk</c>

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these nonprofit leaders hear you talk

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these nonprofit leaders hear you talk
about<00:01:08.920><c> philanthropic</c><00:01:09.520><c> studies</c><00:01:09.920><c> hear</c><00:01:10.159><c> you</c>

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about philanthropic studies hear you

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about philanthropic studies hear you
talk<00:01:10.560><c> about</c><00:01:10.759><c> what</c><00:01:10.880><c> you</c><00:01:11.040><c> learned</c><00:01:11.360><c> in</c><00:01:11.520><c> this</c>

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talk about what you learned in this

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talk about what you learned in this
program<00:01:13.080><c> they</c><00:01:13.200><c> want</c><00:01:13.400><c> you</c><00:01:13.520><c> on</c><00:01:13.640><c> their</c><00:01:13.840><c> team</c><00:01:14.439><c> they</c>

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program they want you on their team they

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program they want you on their team they
know<00:01:14.960><c> that</c><00:01:15.200><c> you've</c><00:01:16.119><c> got</c><00:01:16.320><c> the</c><00:01:16.439><c> framework</c>

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know that you've got the framework

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know that you've got the framework
you've<00:01:17.680><c> you've</c><00:01:17.920><c> got</c><00:01:18.080><c> the</c><00:01:18.240><c> inherent</c><00:01:18.720><c> knowledge</c>

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you've you've got the inherent knowledge

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you've you've got the inherent knowledge
to<00:01:19.439><c> be</c><00:01:19.600><c> able</c><00:01:19.840><c> to</c><00:01:20.240><c> give</c><00:01:20.479><c> back</c><00:01:20.759><c> to</c><00:01:20.960><c> their</c>

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to be able to give back to their

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to be able to give back to their
nonprofit<00:01:22.000><c> and</c><00:01:22.280><c> the</c><00:01:22.439><c> community</c><00:01:22.840><c> that</c><00:01:23.000><c> they're</c>

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nonprofit and the community that they're

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nonprofit and the community that they're
trying<00:01:23.400><c> to</c><00:01:23.560><c> help</c>

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trying to help

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trying to help