Advancing the understanding and practice of philanthropy

As the world’s first school of philanthropy, we provide professional education and indispensable research to life-long learners and leaders in the field. We prepare the next wave of changemakers through our experience-driven degree programs.

My degree has been incredibly helpful in my current role, influencing everything from how I approach organizational strategies to running board meetings and even how I contribute my time. It’s given me the tools to navigate the nonprofit sector effectively.

Madison Hanna, B.A. 2022

The Giving Environment: Giving During Times of Uncertainty

Using data from the Philanthropy Panel Study, researchers compared household giving before and during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. The report reveals shifts in giving rates and amounts, exploring how pandemic-related factors such as social distancing and economic loss impacted these patterns, contributing to research on donor behavior during crises.

Access the full report

Public Policy and Philanthropy Series: Darren Walker

Diane Kaplan, senior fellow at the school, who will moderate a discussion with Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation.

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Redesigned undergraduate program boosts students’ career connections

In order to more clearly connect students to career opportunities, including during their coursework, the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy recently made key changes to its undergraduate program. These important enhancements are also conveyed in the new name of the degree and minor, which will be changed from Philanthropic Studies to Philanthropic Leadership.

Learn more about the undergraduate program