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Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
IU Indianapolis
University Hall, Suite 3000
301 University Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN
Phone: 317-274-4200
Fax: 317-278-8999
- Academic Programs and Student Services: 317-274-4200 or apsop@iu.edu
- Development: 317-278-8918 or sopdev@iu.edu
- Finance: 317-278-8945 or sopfince@iu.edu
- International Programs: 317-278-8935 or sopintl@iu.edu
- Lake Institute on Faith & Giving: 317-278-8998 or lfi@iu.edu
- Marketing: 317-278-8934 or sopcomm@iu.edu
- Mays Family Institute on Diverse Philanthropy: 317-274-4200 or maysfi@iu.edu
- Media and Communications: 317-278-8972 or sopmedia@iu.edu
- Office of the Dean: 317-278-5652
- Research: 317-278-8902 or soprsrch@iu.edu
- The Fund Raising School: 317-274-7063 or tfrs@iu.edu
- Women's Philanthropy Institute: 317-278-8990 or wpiinfo@iu.edu