Study Abroad

Course information

Philanthropy in a Comparative European Perspective

  • June 10 - 21, 2025
  • 3 credits; taught in English
  • Faculty director: Pamala Wiepking, Ph.D.
  • Undergraduate students enroll in PHST-P430 Topics in Philanthropic Studies
  • Graduate students enroll in PHST-P530 Topics in Philanthropic Studies


RISE Scholarship

This $1,500 award enables students to participate in the Research, International, Service Learning, and Experiential Learning (RISE) activities for which the scholarship is named.

Eligibility, deadlines, and application

International Experience Scholarship

This scholarship has two award cycles per year. Preference will be given to students who have never had an opportunity to study overseas.

Criteria, deadlines, and application


International Experience Scholarship

This scholarship has two award cycles per year. Preference will be given to students who have never had an opportunity to study overseas.

Criteria, deadlines, and application