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A new report from the Women’s Philanthropy Institute explores how social norms—behaviors that are common, valued, and accepted by others—influence giving to women’s and girls’ causes, and whether gender differences exist. The report, Encouraging Giving to Women’s & Girls’ Causes: The Role of Social Norms, includes a number of new findings that can help nonprofit organizations apply a social norms approach to inspire more giving.

The Jewish Teen Funders Network and the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IU Indianapolis are partnering for the first time to further enhance the learning, skills and impact of young philanthropy leaders in Indianapolis. Jewish teenagers participating in Youth Philanthropy Indy (YoPhI), the Jewish teen philanthropy program, will receive a certificate of completion from the school, adding to their future opportunities for higher education and social impact for good.

Robert H. McKinney

Indiana University has been awarded three grants totaling more than $500,000 from the McKinney Family Foundation in support of initiatives across multiple campuses that are helping to develop and educate a new generation of leaders and changemakers in environmental resilience and sustainability roles including in philanthropy. The McKinney Family Foundation’s strategic and generous investments will create the McKinney Professor of Environmental Resilience and Philanthropy--believed to be one of the first such professorships in the world. They will reinforce the McKinney Family Philanthropic Fellows program, and bolster the foundation’s support of the Indiana Sustainability Development Program.

The Patterson Foundation and the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IU Indianapolis are announcing a collaboration to strengthen the social sector through opportunities for future nonprofit leaders to learn and share while evolving their careers. The Foundation’s new Fellows Initiative, which is launching through this collaboration, provides graduates of the world’s first school dedicated solely to the study and teaching of philanthropy a year-long career-building opportunity to learn innovative philanthropic principles and share their expertise.

National and regional leaders will discuss the intersections of faith, philanthropy and race during a panel discussion and public conversation in Indianapolis Nov. 6. “Race Matters: Faith + Philanthropy in the African American Community” event will feature three panelists with significant expertise in these issues.

The 2018 U.S. Trust Study of High Net Worth Philanthropy, published today in partnership with the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, finds that wealthy Americans continue to be generous with their time and money, increasing the amount they gave on average to charitable causes and organizations in 2017, including giving in the wake of natural disasters. The biennial study shows that 90 percent of high net worth (HNW) households gave to charity last year, and 48 percent volunteered time to nonprofit organizations and causes.

A new report from the Women’s Philanthropy Institute explores charitable giving by women and men in the weeks surrounding the 2016 election. Although overall charitable giving in this period was lower than expected, the study found that donations to progressive charitable organizations with relevance to key election issues increased — an increase driven by female donors.