
Fulfilling the need for philanthropy education

The Lilly Family School of Philanthropy is the world’s first school dedicated solely to the study and teaching of philanthropy. In addition to our outstanding academic programs, we offer extensive resources and learning opportunities to professionals already working in the field through The Fund Raising School. Our PhilD is the world’s first professional doctorate for philanthropic and nonprofit professionals.

The impact of our research on the field of philanthropy is unparalleled. Our research faculty partners with organizations around the region and the nation to analyze the dynamics of change defining the philanthropic landscape. We are home to institutes that explore what inspires underrepresented people and women to give, as well as the connections between faith and philanthropy

Indiana University has been at the vanguard of philanthropy education since the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University was founded at IU Indianapolis in 1987. Led by the center, IU established the field of philanthropic studies with the nation’s first bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. degrees, as well as the nation’s first endowed chair in philanthropy.

Amir Pasic

Philanthropy is an active, creative process. Through it, our students seek to accomplish great things for communities around the world by applying their talent, their passion, and the growing body of useful research on how and why giving and voluntary action can make a real difference.

Dean Amir Pasic
Established in 2012 and opened in 2013, the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy was named for one of America’s great philanthropic families in honor of their generations of generosity and leadership.
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