Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

DEI committee members

The DEI Committee is made up of ten members. Four seats are made for Lilly Family School of Philanthropy community members serving in relevant positions (e.g., with the Mays Family Institute of Diverse Philanthropy, DEI Faculty Council, Board of Visitors DEI Task Force, and Dean); and six additional seats for individuals in the wider Lilly Family School of Philanthropy community with demonstrated commitment to equity and racial justice.

Feel free to connect with members of the DEI Committee with any comments, feedback, experiences, and/or ideas to ensure racial justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.

Lilly Family School of Philanthropy DEI Committee
First NameLast NameEmailRoleTerm
AmirPasicampasic@iu.eduStanding Position (Dean)on-going
AvisFriesonafrieson@iu.edu Staff2019-2023
DanaDoandrdoan@iu.eduPhD Candidate, Co-Chair2019-2023
LaKoyaRochelllsvaughn@iu.eduStanding Position (Mays Family Institute on Diverse Philanthropy), Co-Chairon-going
LorenHarrislorenh@ballmergroup.comStanding Position (Board of Visitors DEI Task Force)on-going
ShariqSiddiquissiddiqu@iu.eduStanding Position (DEI Faculty Council Representative)on-going
JadaHalliburtonjadhalli@iu.eduBA Student2021-2023
ChenJicheji@iu.eduPhD Candidate2021-2024
CatherineLucecluce@iu.eduPhD Student2021-2024

How to report an incident?

To report an incident of bias, hate, or discrimination, please visit one of the following sites: