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Financial position, robustness, and flexibility are all areas that are vitally important for effective nonprofit leadership. Leaders in nonprofit organizations must understand the drivers of these components of financial strength in order to be successful in pursuing their organizational missions.

Discover the keys to successfully planning a fundraising campaign. This course explores capital, endowment, comprehensive, and project-based campaigns. You will navigate the decision-making process, considering the "why" and "why not" factors, and uncover intangible benefits for your organization, beyond finances. Learn how to engage stakeholders effectively, utilizing proven strategies and tools to design, implement, and manage campaigns. You will gain practical skills that you can apply within your nonprofit context.

Fundraising occurs at the speed of trust. This course teaches and applies ethical principles that form the foundation of trusting relationships with donors.

Grants are central to a comprehensive fundraising plan, and so is grant management. Identify the right foundations, study their guidelines and write a compelling proposal – either on paper or online. Ensure that you manage the grant properly and conclude with a thorough report that can help your grant funding continue.

Learn how to speak the unique language of businesses and corporations when raising support from the for-profit sector. Companies can fund and strengthen nonprofits in many ways. Gain skills and confidence for successful fundraising in the corporate office and the local business.

Your organization is doing exceptional work. You are passionate about your mission. The potential is great, if only more funding were available. Effective fundraising practices can be adapted to meet the unique realities of smaller nonprofits. Efficiently use your time and existing resources – including board members and other volunteers – to achieve your fundraising goals.

Nonprofit organizations have the opportunity to leverage a wide range of digital strategies to enhance their fundraising abilities and achieve greater impact. This course is designed to introduce you to the knowledge and skills needed to navigate and utilize these digital strategies effectively. You will explore innovative digital fundraising techniques that can expand your organization's reach, engage supporters, and generate increased support. By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and skills to begin leveraging a range of digital strategies to expand your organization's fundraising abilities.

Kickstart your journey into planned giving with this foundational course designed for fundraisers. “Planned Giving: Getting the Proper Start” covers everything you need to know to begin integrating planned giving into your fundraising program. Throughout the course, participants will explore the benefits to both organizations and donors, learn to blend major and planned gifts, and gain a solid understanding of planned giving basics. Key topics include gifts that help now and later, prospective donor identification, and effective communication strategies. The course also introduces marketing planned gifts, ethical considerations, and steps to get your planned giving program started, along with institutional readiness and action planning.

Develop the knowledge and tools needed to grow a successful planned giving program. This course covers both technical and strategic aspects of planned giving. Learn about complex assets, deferred and life income gifts, CLTs, DAFs, and Private Foundations, and apply this knowledge through advanced case studies and practical applications.

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