Erinn Corbett-Wright is an award-winning leader who uses corporate philanthropy and civic engagement to accelerate training and career pathways that provide economic opportunity for underrepresented minorities, specifically Black and Latino youth, across the US.
At Salesforce, Corbett-Wright manages a strategy that delivers responsive community solutions for emerging talent seeking technical training, certification and wraparound support to land paid roles in tech. All time, Erinn has led strategy and delivered more than $40M in corporate philanthropy to nonprofits nationally. In addition to this work, Erinn supports the next generation of nonprofit practitioners as an Adjunct Professor teaching nonprofit fundraising in Temple University’s Master of Public Policy program.
Outside of work, Erinn serves as a board member of the United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey and as an advisor to the Nonprofit Center at LaSalle University and Archetype Solutions Group. Her expertise in philanthropy has been recognized by Forbes Magazine, City & State PA, Temple University, the United Way of Greater Philadelphia, the Forum of Executive Women and Generosity. She regularly serves as a strategic advisor to organizations and causes that support a high-functioning nonprofit sector and solutions to alleviate intergenerational poverty throughout the region.